Tamil bible
Tamil bible

tamil bible tamil bible

According to linguists such as Chaim Rabin and Abraham Mariaselvam, the Tamil linguistic impact in Hebrew goes beyond just loan words. Most of the borrowed words had to do with items of trade that were unique to South India but which lacked native names in Hebrew. The dating of this borrowing depends on the acceptable ranges of dates for the compilation and redaction of the Books of Kings. The period of these lexiconic borrowings range from 1000 BCE to 500 BCE. Others were borrowed via the Akkadian, Aramaic, Greek, Persian, and South Arabian languages. Some of the loan words were borrowed directly from Tamil or Old Tamil into Biblical Hebrew. By the mid-nineteenth century, Christian missionaries trained in Biblical Hebrew noticed that there were words of Indian origin in the Bible, including from the Tamil language. Some of these loan words are present in the earliest transcripts of the Bible. ĭue to its native speakers' location-in the critical path of trade between Egypt, Mesopotamia, and India-ancient Hebrew lexicon contains both cultural words that are common to many languages in the general area and loanwords from various other languages including Ancient Greek. There is some evidence that trade between India and the peoples inhabiting the Mediterranean regions may have been well established by 1500 BCE. This indicates South India possibly having been involved in trade with the Mediterranean diaspora centuries earlier. The mainstream view is that the beginnings of trade between the Mediterranean region and South India can be traced back to 500 BCE when the word zingiberis (ζιγγίβερις), which was derived from the Proto-South Dravidian cinki-ver (சிங்கிவேர்) (for Ginger), first appeared in the Greek language. The incorporation of Tamil loanwords into the Hebrew language originally came about through the interactions of West Asian and South Indian merchants. The land routes are red, and the water routes are blue. fu j jUila MrPu thjk cq fs midtNuhLk $l ,Ug gjhf.Silk Road and Spice trade, ancient trade routes that linked India with the Old World carried goods and ideas between the ancient civilisations of the Old World and India. ,e j gupRj j Ntjhfk Gjpa nkd nghUis cUthf f xj Jioj j xt nthUtiuAk Njtd jhNk MrPu tjpg ghuhf. kw Wk ,e j Ntjhfkj ij efy (gpujp) nra J mjpypUe J NtW nkd nghUs nra tJk jtpu f fg gl Ntz Lk. ,jpYs sitfis ve jtpjkhd tpahghuj jpw fhf> tpahghu tpsk guj jpw fhf> NjtDila fhupaq fis Mjhaj njhopyhf> Ra fPu j jpf fhfTk gad gLj JtJ Nghd w fhupaq fs jtpu f fg gl Ntz Lk vd gij typAWj j tpUk GfpNwd. ,tu fs Njtgf jpia Mjhaj njhopyhf vz zp njhopy nra J tUgtu fs. ,ytrkhf ngw Wf nfhs tjw nfd W Vw gLj jg gl l ,e j gupRj j Ntjhfk nkd nghUis ,d W gyu Mj Jk Mjhaj njhopYf F gad gLj Jtjw Fg gjpyhf nrhe j eyj jpw nfd W gzj jpw F tpw gid nra J Mjhaj njhopyhf nra J tUfpd wdu. ,e j Ntjhfk nkd nghUs kpfr rpwe j MrPu thjkhf vy NyhUf Fk ,Uf Fk vd gij fu j jUf Fs tpRthrpf fpd Nwhk. ,e j gupRj j Ntjhfk Gjpa nkd nghUs cq fs fzpg nghwpapy epWtp itj J gad ngWtjw fhf cUthf fg gl Ls sJ. mj Jld cyfpy gue J thOk ekJ fpwp] jt rNfhjuu fSk ,jdhy gad ngw Ntz Lk vd w xNu Nehf fj jpw fhfNt cs sJ.įeatures include: word searching, daily proverb, compare bible, verse list and printing, bookmark,dictionary, user-controlled fonts and colors, word find and more. ,itfs ekJ fu j jUk ,ul rfUkhfpa ,NaR fpwp] Jtpd ehkk > RtpNrkhf ru trpU bf Fk mwptpf fg glNtz Lk. ,e jg gf fj jpy Mfpaitfs TamilBible, TamilBibleFont, Daily Reading cs sd.

Tamil bible